KickStart Digital Entrepreneur Award

Winner of the 2015 Digital Entrepreneur Award is Suzanne Mitschke, MindMate, University of Glasgow

Voting has now CLOSED

Converge Challenge Scotland’s entrepreneurial development programme £150,000 prize

Among the categories being contested in the Converge Challenge this year is a NEW KickStart Digital Entrepreneur Award – dedicated to internet entrepreneurialism recognising the online marketing talent of the early-stage ideas as part of the KickStart Award. We’re delighted to advise that 8 KickStart finalists are now announced.

​Business, large and small are now engaging on social media and those that are not are missing out! Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Goolge+ amongst others have changed the way a brand is perceived and how it communicates. This award gives credit to the team or individual who pioneers the digital marketing of their project as part of the Converge Challenge KickStart 2015 programme.

So who would you vote for? (voting is closed but feel free to click on a link to watch one of the finalists video pitch)

On this page you will see the 8 KickStart Award finalists. All you need to do is choose which 1 minute video pitch to watch to ‘cast your vote’. Basically a view equates to a vote. The more views each receives the more ‘votes’ each receives. The finalist with the most votes (views!) wins so please watch and support the KickStart Finalists. The official 'count' will start from 9am on Monday 31st August by the Converge Team and close Monday 14th September at 4pm.

The winner will be announced at the Converge Challenge Awards Ceremony and will receive an Apple ipad so it’s worth the 60 seconds of viewing plus you’ll learn all about the array of exciting and worthwhile projects pitching to win the coveted KickStart Award. Note - this new award will not influence the overall judging process of the main KickStart Award. Thanks and good luck to our finalists!

Alexander Enoch, Red Robotics
University of Edinburgh

Low-cost walking robots as educational tools and for hobbyists

Angelos Spanos, Flexiscope
University of Edinburgh

Debugging software solution for microchips

Chris Hughes, Palm Present
University of Strathclyde

Apps aimed to revolutionise the educational development of dyslexics

Ganga Chinna Rao, Smart Open Syringe Pump
University of St Andrews

A syringe pump that is compact, affordable programmable, reusable and can be controlled with a smart phone

Michael Harkins, Turtle Pack
Heriot-Watt University

A flotation device that helps children learning to swim

Susanne Mitschke, MindMate
University of Glasgow

An interactive App developed to ease life for those with dementia

Salman Tahir, Xi: cross-linking analysis software
University of Edinburgh

Protein cross-linking analysis software

Jordan Smith, PKT - Jordan Smith Design, Glasgow School of Art is the 8th finalist
however elected to not have his video included. Again, this does not effect his entry in the KickStart Award
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