Entrepreneurial PhD students can use research

STARTING a business is an increasingly viable option, says Elizabeth Adams, University of Glasgow

Time was, PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers would have never considered a career which didn’t involve staying within their university to further its research, or if they did move out of academia, their career path would normally be aligned to working with a larger company or organisation such as a pharmaceutical firm or the NHS. Few gave thought to using their research capability to forming a business and adopting an entrepreneurial mindset.

Today, however, this is an increasingly viable option open to many PhD students and postdoctoral researchers and there is no shortage of enterprise and innovation-focused organisations willing to encourage them.

The recent Global Entrepreneurship Week saw more PhD students than ever coming to organised events. Through collaborative training programmes with other universities and actively encouraging students to participate in successful groundbreaking initiatives like Converge Challenge, we are continuing to build momentum across our campuses.

A research student based at the University of Glasgow, Dr Mallika Punukollu, alongside a colleague, Dr Fiona Mitchell, formed a social enterprise called SafeSpot, an app which aims to equip young people with all the information, advice and access to services that they need to manage their own mental health and deal with any challenges they may have.

Extract from The Scotsman (January 20th 2016)

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